Archived – but still there!
Many caches that have been archived are still in place and finds may be logged in the same way as a normal cache. If you know of such a cache within the Dartmoor National Park please create a topic within this forum giving the name and GC code, I will link it up to the cache listing.
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10 years, 11 months ago
Cache Watch
This forum is for discussion on specific caches, but please do not post ANY spoiler information (unless you are the cache owner). Please start a NEW topic for each cache discussed.
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10 years, 2 months ago
How to Use the Dartmoor Geocaching Web Site
This forum contains several topics to help you use the Dartmoor Geocaching web site
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13 years, 3 months ago
Dartmoor Dave
South-West Power Trails
Several power trails have been appearing around our area and I am sure many of our members have experience of them. Please share your thoughts and views here.
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11 years, 3 months ago
Twitchers’ Corner
Dartmoor has a wonderful variety of bird life. Use this forum to report your sightings or ask questions. One of our members must be an expert!
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13 years ago
Dartmoor Dave
Questions & Comments on the Web Site
Create a new topic within this forum to ask a question about anything on this web site or to make suggestions and comments. Please do not use it for geocaching topics.
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12 years ago
General Geocaching Topics
This is the forum for the majority of geocaching topics, unless they belong better in a more relevant forum.
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10 years, 5 months ago
Topnotch Caches
This forum is for you to recommend really good caches (however YOU define that). They don't necessarily need to be within the Dartmoor National Park (we know most of them anyway) but within approximately 20 miles of it. THERE MUST BE NO HINTS OR SPOILERS POSTED IN THIS FORUM.
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11 years, 1 month ago
Krosses Krazy
What’s New?
Use this forum to share your latest news.
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9 years, 10 months ago
dartmoor strider
From the Cache Owners Perspective
Without those who place caches, there would be no geocaching! An obvious statement maybe, but when we log a cache how much do we consider the person who has taken the time and trouble to place the cache? 50.2(a+3).f8b
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10 years, 7 months ago
Caches or Cache Owners Needing Assistance
Do you need help with a cache? Do you need a cache replaced or a log book changed or just confirmation that the cache is still there? The chances are that somebody will be passing close to your cache soon and will be happy to make a detour for you. But they can't if they don't know! Please post a topic here if you need some form of assistance.
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11 years, 2 months ago
dartmoor strider
Caching Walks
My thanks to dartymoor for suggesting this forum and documenting the first walk. An excellent idea and one which I hope will grow and be useful to members and visitors alike.
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11 years ago