Air Ambulance.

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  • #926
    Avatar photoGoldenHaystack

    Please may I bring to your attention a petition to encourage the Government to exempt Air Ambulance services from duty on the fuel they use, in the same way as the Lifeboats (RNLI) are exempt.

    Please support this and send on to friends – everyone benefits from this service.

    If we gain 100,000 signatures, Parliament is duty bound to debate the issue – currently we have over 56,000 signatures.

    Thank you for your support for this magnificent volunteer funded service.

    Please pass on to all of your UK friends.

    If you are interested, please copy and paste the link immediately above into your web browser. GH.

    Avatar photodartymoor

    Signed, and I note well over the 100k.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by Avatar photodartymoor.
    Avatar photoHedge Hogger

    Signed. Now over 117k.


    Signed, now over 119K

    Avatar photolenny1999

    Signed petition – now over 120K

    Avatar photoreb10

    Signed – now over 121k.
    I was going to do this yesterday but never got round to it. But was given a reminder with an unsuccessful attempt at the worms turned/pit of peril (UW7). As i was going up to the worms turned i somehow managed to loose my footing and fell back to ground with a thud, luckily no serious damage was done (apart from to my pride). But on another day? Made me think about how you never know when you might need one of these services.

    Avatar photoStationMaster

    signed and now its 121,390

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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