Are Challenge Caches Dead?

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    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    The OED defines a challenge as “A summons to take part in a contest” and is clearly something “to be done” as opposed to something “already done”. However, Groundspeak seem determined to impose a different meaning. Now a cache qualifies for a challenge even if you have already found it. Therefore challenge caches like my Dartmoor Minor & Mega Challenges and muddypuddles Alphabet Puzzle Challenge will not be allowed in the future.

    So the whole concept of challenging somebody to do something has gone, if they’ve already done it then that’s allowed – so they have to do nothing (except trawl through thousands of caches to see if they have done it!)

    Hence the question, does that kill off all future challenge caches (or at least those that are worth while achieving)?

    Avatar photoGoldenHaystack

    Are you up to a challenge Dave?
    “I challenge you to develop this website to have its own Dartmoor caches and systems for logging them.”
    The Dartmoor Caching Team could then set its own rules. Of course, as a North Devonian I wouldn’t expect a vote! GH.

    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    The last time somebody threw me a challenge (it was no less than Phil of LympstoneBogtrotters) I readily accepted and the Dartmoor Mega and Minor Challenges were born! However, that was February and this is June and we have a hotel to run (not that this weather helps much!)

    A very interesting idea, but one I feel that is doomed to failure. No matter what some folk say about it’s the walk that counts, in reality it’s the numbers that count, and if you can’t log it and increase your Groundspeak stats, then I don’t think anybody will be interested.

    Avatar photoHobo

    No they are not dead!
    We have eleven challenge caches out there and none of them have a time qualification to them.
    What is far more worrying to me is the fact that if a cache is made too “challenging” (such as to find 50 earth caches) it will not be accepted unless it is watered down (to 30 earth caches) to make it more “readily available” to most cachers.
    Three of our more recent challenges caches had to be published as rather pathetic unchallenging mid-achievement levels to meet the reviewer’s idea of the meaning of the word “challenge”.

    Avatar photoGoldenHaystack

    Actually I agree with you, Dave. I just threw in the idea. Groundspeak seems to have triumphed where others have lingered behind. So if we want to use their successful system and can’t lobby them otherwise we have to put up with their rules. Having said that, I also understand as Hobo has just said, that it is important as to how your cache application is worded for it to be approved.

    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    The thing that Groundspeak seem to ignore is that everybody has a choice whether or not they wish to accept a challenge – it’s not compulsory. Therefore these silly restrictions should not be there, you either accept the rules as laid down by the CO or you don’t do it. I can set a challenge that forces cachers to place new caches and Hobo can set a challenge that means you have to visit every country in the world 🙂

    Avatar photoStationMaster

    Normal caches are there to be found by anyone! If you want to set a challenge, set one under the “challenge side of Groundspeak ”
    Why would anyone want to look through there finds to find out if they are allowed to find a standard cache.

    There is nothing to prove when setting caches, its not about being the best of anything, its about having fun.

    remember most people cache for fun.

    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    Of course it’s about having fun – but Groundspeak are stopping this fun! Take a look at muddypuddles Alphabet Puzzle Challenge, there are 223 logs against this cache but only 13 finds! Almost all of the logs are from cachers who want to complete this challenge and there are 37 watching the cache. An unbelievable amount of interest has been generated by this cache, but Groundspeak has now changed the rules and this type of cache will not be allowed in the future. Hence my question “Are Challenge Caches Dead?”

    Avatar photoStationMaster

    Alphabet Puzzle Challenge is a load of normal caches and some multi’s I believe, and they are done as they should be and are very good. Muddypuddles do not put out a standard cache that you have to do other things first. (but correct me if I am wrong)

    Avatar photoGoldenHaystack

    Groundspeak’s definition of fun clearly doesn’t involve using your brains or ingenuity. GH.

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