Buckland Beacon Cache disabled again.

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    Avatar photoHedge Hogger

    I had always wanted to place a cache here. I have tried twice and both have disappeared. I admit defeat. I understand that letterboxes placed here have suffered the same fate. Why here specifically? Clues anyone?

    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    It’s a very popular area because of the Ten Commandment stones and when we found the cache there were lots of walkers around. Why don’t you try a location slightly further away from the stones, perhaps further down the hill. There are lots of hiding places there that ought not to get disturbed. It would be a shame to lose this cache.

    Avatar photoStationMaster

    I have not done Buckland Beacon yet, so hope it does go back, but further away from muggles

    Tamerton Chocolates

    Just before the DNF on your cache there I also failed to find a WOM letterbox a few meters away (the owner later told me I was in the right place). Maybe the whole area got swept.

    Avatar photoHedge Hogger

    Interesting thoughts – I may try approaching the Beacon from the Ashburton to Buckland in the Moor road. Quite a steep climb but there is a pathway of sorts and probably some cunning hiding places.

    Avatar photodartymoor

    I looked for this on Saturday. No joy. I also had 10 figure coords for half a dozen letterboxes, of which I found two – both half a mile from the tor. Everything closer had been DLT’d.

    I’d say the area has been cleared, but good luck on your alternate walk!

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