Care Needed with NT Caches

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    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    You are probably all aware that the National Trust has been placing its own caches. This is as a result of a sponsorship deal with Garmin who have given them GPS units and also a tie up with (click here for details) and they have placed caches at both Castle Drogo and Parke. They are encouraging visitors to try out geocaching when visiting NT properties and are lending them the Garmin units. The problem for us is that these visitors will not be able to identify a travel bug or geocoin and if we leave any in these NT caches they are very likely to disappear forever. This occurred to me just as I was dropping off a TB in an NT cache at Parke and I decided to immediately retrieve it.

    Westwoods 2

    As stated NT properties have been sponsored by Garmin,but they don’t necessarily push caches on their land. I have been corresponding with them about a walk I was planning since April but after some initial enthusiasm all has now been quiet for some months and I have given up.
    I would certainly agree with Dave’s comments on TB’s etc. although having found the Drogo caches I can’t see many first timers having the stamina to find them!

    Bar Sinister

    We have an Earthcache in Plymbridge woods which is owned and run by the National Trust. The warden was very helpful when we contacted her and explained what we wished to do. She seemed to like the idea of an Earthcache as it was educational, took cachers on a guided tour of the area and nothing was physically placed in the wood.


    I’ve got quite a few caches on NT land, and they have always been very helpful in granting permission. I don’t believe there’s any issue with non-NT caches on NT land.

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