Cosdon Cache Curse

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  • #1747

    It appears as if the first of the Perambulation Series caches sited on Cosdon might have gone. If that is the case, and I would be grateful for confirmation from any passing cacher, then that is the third cache I will have lost on Cosdon. Has anyone else had the same experience here?

    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    It’s surprising that this cache keeps going, as Cosdon Hill is not my first choice for a nice little walk on the moor.  In fact when I found this cache I wrote in my log “‘and although Cosdon looms large over you, the ascent is neither very steep nor as long as it looks.’ Well muddypuddles, I think I might disagree with this statement! I think this is a long and arduous climb up from the ford and the second time I have done it in the past few months.”

    However, if I remember correctly, this cache is very close to a main path and wasn’t particularly well hidden, so possibly easily spotted by muggles.  Adopting this huge and far flung series probably now seems a rather daunting task 😉

    Avatar photoGoldenHaystack

    I’m definitely not infallible. Only one DNF so far. GH.

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