Fish Stone

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    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    When Fish Stone was first published – right on my patch, I obviously tried to solve it but got nowhere. Like others I could find no reference to this on the internet, in Dartmoor books and I even asked Simon Dell, who is aware of most things on the moor. But absolutely nothing. As soon as it started being found, it seemed that this was probably something to do with letterboxing and the only way to find out about it was to ask a letterboxer. So I did (many thanks) and I have now found the cache. But I am not proud of how I achieved this find, because I cheated – something I have always refused to do on a puzzle cache, but I think there was no other way 🙁

    This is a delightful spot and a very interesting rock, which also happens to be a logan stone, and many more would enjoy it if the puzzle were solvable or if it were just a normal traditional cache.

    What do others think?

    Avatar photoreb10

    I too tried to solve this by looking through books and trying to find it on the internet but with no joy, so i lost interest.
    It would be good if there was a puzzle to solve to help cachers find it.


    I wanted to put out a cache like this ages ago which needed “local knowledge” to find it, I was refused and told all caches had to be found with a GPS co-ord. Not sure how this one slipped through.


    This is a constant puzzle-setter’s dilemma. If you put a puzzle final in a rubbish location then people moan about it. If you put it in a place that’s worth visiting then you put off a lot of potential visitors because it’s a puzzle. You pays your money and you takes your choice I guess.

    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    MP, I agree with what you say but you are missing the point with regards to this cache – there is no puzzle to solve. You either know where this stone is or you don’t, or you ask somebody who does.


    How is someone like me from 100 miles away (almost exactly) supposed to find it? I know of similar places here with really good proper Welsh names to further confuse anyone from across the border. If I put a cache out, the finding of which relied on my local knowledge, how many Dartmoor cachers would be able to find it?

    I suggest this cache is not fair- full stop.


    No, Dave, no point missed. I was simply talking about the choice of final location of Unknown type caches, not whether puzzles are soluble or not.

    Avatar photoreb10

    The problem with the Fish Stone is that it could apply to numerous stones around the moor, for example the tallest standing stone of the Drizzlecombe row is said to resemble a fish tail.

    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    Not to mention the 3 stones known as the Heathercombe Fishes! I afraid our reviewers are too keen in banning legitimate caches rather than watching out for caches such as this.

    I’ve been told that the reviewers are now asking how a puzzle cache is solved before publishing it, has anybody had this experience?


    I have been asked once by the reviewer about the solution to a puzzle cache, but that was a long time ago. This wasn’t the case with the last puzzle I put out though. Perhaps he was too busy publishing hedgerow caches to bother.

    Avatar photofinderman

    I found information on the fish stone. Go to google. Type in legendary dartmoor then dartmoor rock idols. It tells you a little about it and roughly where it is.

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