Geocache Tourist and Dartmoor!

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  • #736

    Hi All, Dartmoor Dave dropped me a line and highlighted this site. Excellent use of WordPress by the way – very neat.

    I’ve set up a stub article on caching on Dartmoor, the purpose of which can be two-fold.
    1) give the geocaching tourists and distilled view of the area – an introduction to the caching scene, and an objective but helpful nod towards the “best” caches. Bearing in mind the subjectivity of that statement you might want to have a quick scan of to see what I mean!
    2) Promote your site, so after someone has been teased with a flavour of the area they can come here for more the more personal touch!

    In respect of 2 I’ve already set up a page for the “guidebook” article and heavily promoted this site on it, but it is of course lacking the content that it needs to achieve number 1 above!

    So, whether you would like to be “interviewed” as a forum as to which caches are not to be missed, or whether you want to collate something close to a finished article amongst yourselves, anything works for me.

    Either way it does look like a great area to go caching; and I’m sure you could provide a great write-up teaser on, which is then an encouragement for people to come here for more info!

    Sample article here:
    Dartmoor Stub article here:

    All the best and happy caching,

    paul a t
    gc handle: stenpils

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