Legendary Dartmoor

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    Avatar photofinderman

    Not too sure how well visited it is by other geocachers but I often visit the legendary dartmoor website. It’s a great source of information on myths and legends, rivers, tors, history etc . I also follow legendary Dartmoor on Facebook. On the Facebook site it was announced yesterday that the legendary dartmoor site will be ending very soon.
    A sad announcement I’m sure you will agree. This may affect cachers ability to solve the trig point caches and probably a few other puzzle caches. If anyone knows the man behind legendary dartmoor ; Tim Sandles, Please talk him out of it!

    Tamerton Chocolates

    Fortunately it looks like he has had a change of heart.

    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    I haven’t met Tim but I have exchanged emails with him on a couple of subjects. I don’t think he is too keen on geocaching, I seem to remember that he complained about the location of a cache once. I had hoped to meet him last year because a friend of his who was taking some photographs for his web site stayed here, but he didn’t have the time to get together.

    You used to be able to link to Legendary Dartmoor in cache listings, but the reviewers stopped allowing this when he began to have adverts on his web site 🙁 , but there is nothing to stop you adding the link once the cache has been published 😎

    Avatar photodartymoor

    I contacted Tim through facebook a few days ago when I heard and offered my help. I think he was somewhat overwhelmed by others doing the same which prompted the change of heart and indeed, he is now thinking of re-doing the entire site using a new web authoring program.

    I can’t see much wrong with it myself as it stands – people come for the content, not the design!

    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    I have to agree 100% with dartymoor. The content of Legendary Dartmoor is excellent and it doesn’t need to have a flash presentation, although I would like a better search facility. I’m not certain that Tim is totally aware of what is on the site. I contacted him to give information on Fish Stone, but he already had some information there and didn’t seem to know it!

    There is nothing flash about Wikipedia but the content is excellent and this has to be the main consideration.

    Avatar photofinderman

    Simply out of curiosity does anyone remember this event in 2010? I don’t recall reading anything about it at the time and i can’t find any further info on it.


    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    Neither do I and unfortunately Tim has not attributed it in any way.

    He is not doing himself any favours with his site. Having read this item I then tried to find it on the site and couldn’t. It’s called The Ghost of Uncle Ab but is not listed in the index. Neither is it listed under the Ghosts & Ghouls section. I then tried the recent pages page in case it was new but it is not listed there although he does claim to have added 45 pages in 2014!!!! Eventually I found it in the main index under Ab’s Ghost.

    As I commented before, the content of the site is excellent but it’s organisation, indexing and search facilities are not. Once a site gets this big it does need to be well organised and each pages should be dated to show when it was written and last updated.

    Avatar photofinderman

    Agree Dave. Wonderful wealth of information which would make a wonderful book. Such an amazing body of work but it’s a nightmare finding what you want. I was just looking at the site and stumbled across this. It seems like a great tale but like you said he’s not referenced it. There is nothing else on the web I have seen on it.

    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    Either stuff is pure fiction, which is ok, or it needs to be attributed. This story was neither one or the other.

    Avatar photodartymoor

    Surely the answer is to ask him?

    I council against being too negative here. This is a massive resource that must benefit hundreds and has been shown to be in the balance recently. Tim should be given all the support we can or risk losing it, rather than critical comments.

    finderman: If you’re searching for something within an established site and the site’s own search facilities don’t cut it; use google and “site:www.legendarydartmoor.co.uk words to search for” and google will do it for you.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by Avatar photodartymoor.
    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    I wasn’t intending to be negative. I am full of admiration for the site and have used in many, many times. My constructive suggestion would be to add a meaningful search engine to the site and not to worry too much about a flash presentation.

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