Lost TB's?

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    Krosses Krazy

    I understand some TB ‘s can go off the grid for lengthy periods, but why not archive the ones that have been gone some time? I still see some caches that show TB’s that were last seen there some 3yrs etc previous with no activity.


    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    I think the problem with TBs is that you very rarely know that there should be one there. It’s probably only when you return home to log the find that you notice it. And then you think maybe I missed it. If I know a TB should be there I look to see when it was dropped. If it is months ago I normally write in my log that the CO should mark it as missing. However, not many do this as I very rarely receive a log telling me that there is a missing TB in my caches. The only exception is my TB Hotel and then I get complaints that they are missing.

    Krosses Krazy

    I usually notify the TB owner that it’s not there not the cache owner of where it should be. Is the etiquette that you notify the cache owner of where it is meant to be as well as the TB owner or just personal choice?


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