The Dartmoor Way

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  • #2463
    Avatar photodartymoor

    So this has apparently just happened;

    95 miles circular cycling route around Dartmoor.

    95 miles at 0.1 density = 950 caches

    Come on people, make it happen! 🙂

    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    If you study the maps this is largely a series of sign posts! The vast majority of this route is on-road, the only real off-road sections are south-west of Okehampton and south of Tavistock and both of these sections already have geocaches. Geocaches on cycle paths are great if you are cycling but are very difficult if you are walking as it is normally impossible to do a decent circular walk – I still haven’t found all the Granite Trail caches. The other problem is that cycle tracks tend to attract micros and I think most of us find those less than appealing – but as usual “It’s all about the numbers”!


    I had to pop up to White Tor this morning to sort out a problem with my new letterbox charity walk so decided to drop off a Dartmoor Way cache on the cycle track near the Sugar Factory. Just submitted it. I can put a few out but I won’t shove caches in hedges and as most are along lanes I won’t put many out.


    Only 949 to go now. LOL

    Avatar photodartymoor

    Excellent! Well done, BB.

    Given these are mostly roads and lanes, I agree – micros in hedges are going to be suboptimal. I might try one or two around Bovey, but following your example – interesting spots rather than flooding a road. Also as this is a bike route, my guess is most bikers won’t want to stop every 161 meters?

    There’s quite a few people support this over on the facebook group too (Devon geocachers)

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