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- This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 7 months ago by
Dartmoor Dave.
April 8, 2013 at 2:19 pm #2029
Dartmoor Dave
KeymasterLogs received by owners fall into about 4 categories:
- Really boring: TFTC or 🙂 or Out with so-and-so
- Lazy Copy & Paste: An interesting log, but not when you read it a dozen times or more on the same day
- Unique: A different unique log for every cache – normally needs a few notes to be made as you go along (ok I know that’s tautologous)
- Really Special Logs: At the top of this list has to be those written by Seaglass Pirates, but others are more than capable of writing a truly great log as well. These are the logs that make placing and maintaining caches so worthwhile. Thank you Seaglass Pirates, on behalf of all cache owners 🙂
This forum is not for discussion, please just post the best logs you receive (or have read).
I shall start it off with a wonderful Seaglass Pirates log I have just received:
Gibbet Hill: Having read Dartymoors log I expected to find a seedy little gully with walkers in various stages of undress. The faintest whiff of Vaseline hung on the wind as we approached …. no seriously the wind was at gust level christ almighty but it was blowing the cobwebs away. And the eyeballs and hair. I have skydived and it was a similar experience. Not quite the wallace and gromit faces pulled by the wind today but it wouldnt be long. As with many days on Dartmoor the day starts off bright and then as afternoon approaches its totally different again. Today was a gusty affair in a great location. SmacB went off to take photos of the base plate on the trig coming to a waypoint website near you no doubt and we set off for the nearby cache. This was the quickest find of the day to be honest. Well almost and so the log was quickly signed and we headed down off the bluff. TFTC and for bringing us here today.
April 8, 2013 at 5:00 pm #2035dartymoor
ParticipantHah, that’s great. 🙂
July 9, 2013 at 2:45 pm #2318Dartmoor Dave
KeymasterAnother Seaglass Pirates log – this time Dart’moor’s Double Dozen 01. Do they do stand up 🙂
Well what can we say about this series. I am shaking my head as I remember yesterday. Two lessons learned. More water needed and suncream. Our faces are burnt into a grimace and our eyebrows look like someone has attempted a hot waxing and left half way through. I am sure they will return to their normal position given fluid and time but at present we look like we have had plastic surgery and someone put us near the bar fire to dry. But what a brilliant series. At some points on the second half of this “dirty” double dozen when we were fingertip searching for a micro 100 feet off the path I began to realise I wasnt longing for the series to end. But more longing for an internet signal so I could search the online poll records to find out where Dartmoor Dave lived. But we got there in the end. DNF’d three – 12, 22, 24. They are all there though as they were found by the unearthly abilities of Westward Ho and co. And we were following them around it seems. You could not tell. Not a cachers trail in sight. Sooooo grateful for that …. But anyway despite the delirium brought on by dehydration and horse fly bites we had a ball. I say horseflies. These had hooves and when you slapped them they slapped you back. But anyway we found this particular cache in about 30 seconds of arrival. The warning is that this is one of the hardest to find and it pretty much is. Coordinates were spot on with two garmin 450’s but still some of the hides were evil and obviously a couple eluded us. Thank you for this cache and for this series. Please dont do any more like this unless we apply for Bupa care to meet us at the end.
July 9, 2013 at 3:20 pm #2320Dartmoor Dave
KeymasterSeaglass Pirates again on DDD17:
Lucky number 17 and this was a nearly lost the plot place. I had to go for this one because it was my turn. I had to go for it because my conscience wouldnt allow seaglass pirate number 1 to go off the path to get another one. Arrived at the GZ which was 89 feet from the main path – nice to be punished at the end of a walk like this lol. And began to search the area. It was at the point of animal rage that I finally stood there with blood and death in my eyes that I saw it. Seriously. Seriously though. I could not believe it. I was caught between maniacal laughter and murderous rage. Oh it is on now. Polling lists, I need a house number fast. TFTC which took me longer to sign than find.
August 3, 2013 at 8:34 pm #2359Dartmoor Dave
KeymasterI had to smile when I read this DNF by WulfyGeo on Beneath the Waterfall:
On my last day staying near Okehampton I decided to head out and try and get some of this series of caches.
I stood on the trail for quite a while deciding whether to try for this one or head further up the path for some slightly easier caches. Given that I had knee surgery just a few months ago and am allergic to insect stings and quite a few plants as well as being honestly a bit fat and unfit, I haven’t looked for many 4T caches. I eventually decided to go for it.
I don’t know if the path I took was the worst one or not but it was very boggy and I was quickly soaked to my ankles and pretty muddy everywhere else. After stopping for a rest twice I made it to the GZ and the spot in the spoiler picture at which point I was swarmed by insects – I am calling them midgies now but what I called them then isn’t repeatable.
After making the epic (for me) climb to the top I wasn’t going to give up and I spent a good 30 mins looking for the cache without any luck, however there were a few spots that I knew I couldn’t get to with my dodgy knee. I had to leave then as I noticed the huge number of welts and hives from the insect bites on my arms.
I did learn a few things though:
1. My boots need re-waterproofing 🙂
2. Even superstrong anti-histamines wear off after being bitten by a million insects
3. ‘A bit boggy’ means something different on Dartmoor than on the chalklands of East Kent
But on the plus side, I have also learned that I can make it to a 4T cache so I will be trying for others.By the time I got back to the trail I looked like I had a severe case of measles so had to head straight for a pharmacy so didn’t get a chance to look for the other caches either 🙁
Thanks for bringing me up here, despite everything I enjoyed the hunt.
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