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  • in reply to: Copy and Paste Logs! #3004

    Maybe if a few more CO’s would delete online logs if the cache log has not been signed.
    A No Signed – No Find policy 🙂

    in reply to: Copy and Paste Logs! #3002

    The second part of your post is what I am on about. Without going back through all my logs and trying to remember which ones they where,which would be difficult. Also, I don’t think it would be helpful to start naming and shaming.
    But in one instance I remember well, the log page in the cache had not been signed for 3 months (lots of space for signatures), but on there was 3 finds in the past month of “Easy Find”

    If we don’t find a cache we log a DNF, there are 1 or 2 that we have logged multiple DNF’s. There is no shame in it and it can be helpful to the CO and to fellow cachers.
    Over the last few months we have done as such and had nice messages from the CO’s thanking us for highlighting it, as they had gone missing.

    It’s only a game.

    in reply to: Copy and Paste Logs! #3000

    I’ll put my hand up, there has been times where I have used Cut & Paste to put details of why I am out. But I also add details that are relevant to the particular cache to the end of the log.
    And I agree that Geocaching for some is Numbers, not the fact you are out in what some people pay £100’s if not £1000’s to come and visit, and it’s on our doorstep.
    But your post highlighted something that bugs the hell out of my wife and I.
    I use an app called Locus Pro, which among a lot of other things downloads the last 30 logs relating to a cache.
    After spending ages hunting for a particular cache, after seeing a log of “Easy Find” dated 2 -3 days before , to then find there is nothing in the cache log .
    What’s that all about.


    in reply to: Throwdowns – A CO's Nightmare #2955

    I read this thread with interest, as I wonder how many throwdowns we have signed over the 2 years we have been caching.
    A few times I have been looking for a cache that the info says regular sized cache with room for swaps and trackables. And all we found is a 35mm film canister with a strip of paper in it.
    Only last week we went around Tottiford Resevoir and one cache (Top Totty (TV8) ) , we had to do a double check as the log had not been signed since 2010 but the 25 logs on my phone where from the last 8 months. Has everyone else been signing a throwdown ,as the one we signed had the cache name and part of the bonus coordinates on the lid.
    Why do people do it, we don’t find it shameful to log a DNF, it’s helpful to the CO and other cachers.

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