Forum Replies Created
Harry the furry squid
ParticipantWill bear “Full House” in mind as I already qualify for it. ::o)
And yes, there are some odd difficulty/terrain scores around . . . I do sometimes wonder whether there’s an element of “That was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, so it must be T5” going on, or whether people are thinking “People might get hurt trying, I’d better up the T rating as a warning”.
Trouble is, if you do that, you end up running out of space at the top of the scale for caches that are harder still to get to (eg need climbing kit, a boat or both).
And that’s just for terrain, which is (imho) far easier than difficulty to get right-ish.
(As regards challenge caches prompting over-inflated terrain scores, my experience in trying to complete the grid was that it wasn’t the T5’s in themselves that were the problem, more the just plain rare DT combinations. )
Don’t think I’ve done Take Moor Care 2, so can’t comment.
Harry the furry squid
ParticipantAfaik I’ve only logged as just “TFTC” once (for a “liar cache” for which, while I’d found it, I didn’t want to contribute to the ongoing myth), but sometimes it’s quite hard to think of anything interesting to say about a stand-alone drive-by in the form of a micro on the back of a road sign.
For a long series, where the caches themselves aren’t very interesting but serve as an excuse for a good long walk somewhere nice, I tend to comment on the walk instead of the caches eg “Cool view coming up the hill”, “Nearly fell off the wobbly stile”, “Got glared at by evil maybe-a-vampire sheep” etc etc. It only takes seconds to write a quick note on the crib sheet and then I’ve got something to refer to when I do the online logs at home.
Harry the furry squid
ParticipantI like puzzles . . . they give me something to do during slack periods at work. And yes, I’ve got one on the go at the moment.
Only trouble is, I never get round to going to look for them, and when I go somewhere for the weekend I generate a list of caches to look for but don’t (usually) have time to do the local puzzles, so I end up with a huge “solved puzzles” file and not many finds to show for it . . .
Harry the furry squid
ParticipantNo, not for a ‘proper’ cache, but now about logging an “attended” on your own event – assuming, of course, that you actually did attend? Seems to be normal to do that here in the West Midlands . . . then again, events themselves are a bit of a fudge in that the only connection with geocaching is that they have a logbook.