Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI recently received a lovely thank you email from dartymoor thanking me for a couple of logs I’d posted on his ‘More Ups Than Downs’ Series – which made my day too 🙂
You are both correct in your criticism of grammatical laziness, and I will happily add my name to the list too 😡
(TFTC 😆 )LympstoneBogtrotters
ParticipantLove your chicken ‘n’ egg take on the FTF Simon 😆
I have a slightly different problem with PAFs……………
I end up spending hours catching up on all the latest caching tittle tattle with the friend – to the extent that I seldomly then have time to utilize the hard earned additional info anyway 😕 ❗LympstoneBogtrotters
ParticipantJust for the record, there is a second type of cartridge which has been designed for use on the ANDROID MARKET by a Czech Cacher which is FREE to download in the marketplace. It’s called ”WhereYouGo”. There is a pretty comprehensive Groundspeak Forum running on Wherigo’s which answers a lot of Finderman’s questions (apparently, turning off Wi-Fi capability on your phone is imperative as the cartridge needs to operate from the pre-programmed co-ords on your GPSr)
Or you could try shooting Ky Devas an email……………
I know she put a lot of hard work into getting her cartridge over at Hound Tor up, running and through the necessary Groundspeak protocols – I’m sure she’d be more than happy to answer any querries ❓ …. 💡 ……. 😀LympstoneBogtrotters
ParticipantIf ever a route deserved a new set of trail caches in its honour this is the one 😎
Enjoyed reading the participants logs – one or two familiar names too, like Red.Roaming for instance!
There is also a great gallery of photo’s of the Annual New Years Day Fur Tor Bimble………Had to laugh at 1992, someone had an inflatable banana with them 😆
Many thanks to Ian for bringing this ‘tempting’ perambulation to our attention – Team LympstoneBogtrotters would probably opt for staying in ALL the listed B&B’s on route 😉LympstoneBogtrotters
ParticipantHere! Here! 😛
Team rickardclan visited some of my caches in East Devon last summer and wrote excellent logs on all their findsLympstoneBogtrotters
ParticipantMany thanks to reb10 for returning this interesting thread to some form of normality with some witty repartee!
While I agree wholeheartedly with Dave’s abhorrence of throwdowns, and sympathise with him for the inconvenience he suffered to right the wrong at Smallacombe Bottom, I feel duty bound to spring to the defence of the cachers who deposited a 35mm film pot at The Cave Trolls Lair. bishopflyer’s log clearly states ”I have contacted the CO and will change this to a smiley later on if he’s happy with that” ….Which I am presuming he must be, as her log now has a smiley next to it!!
I’m afraid I find myself disagreeing completely with Brentorboxer’s rather dramatic sweeping sentiments on the subject. ”The more in the party the more difficult it is for the CO to delete the logs”? I once had a very large volume of ”virtual discoveries” on one of my Geocoins…….It didn’t cause me any difficulty hitting my delete button repeatedly! As for ”Bully boy tactics”…………..I’ll let you defend that one to Red.Roaming, Dartmoor deliverer, Ky Devas and bishopflyer (all extremely scary, bully boys in need of a quick find fix)
There are some examples of throwdowns being LEGITIMATE! Love ’em or hate them some Power Trail CO’s positively encourage finders to replace damaged or missing pots with new ones by carrying a supply around with you!
Personally I have contacted Trail CO’s in the past prior to attempting their trails asking if they would like me to replace any missing caches. Some CO’s have agreed to this, even furnishing me with mobile phone numbers to confirm GZ’s on route. This way, a finder can also act legitimately as a surrogate CO saving the ”real” CO the inconvenience of a maintenance trip. I’ve also made lasting caching friendships doing this, and the favours are often reciprocated (and drinks swapped at the next local event!) I cast my mind back to one of the very first thread topics on this site where Dave himself was encouraging cachers visiting the Moor to co-operate and help CO’s of remote caches by undertaking essential primary maintenance on caches in trouble – I guess sometimes there is a thin line between one cachers maintenance visit and another’s ”two pot smiley”
In answer to Dave’s ”Is caching coming to this? Log finds at all costs!!”………OF COURSE IT’S NOT!
I logged THREE DNF logs on Birder Ces’s ”Whipton Village” this week in THREE DAYS! The middle of which involved not even getting out of the car as there were a group of drunk feral youths adjacent to the GZ…………..Guess I could always have lobbed a film pot at them!!!
Cache On!LympstoneBogtrotters
ParticipantCongratulations to reb10 on reaching 1000 cache finds
Have just been to check out your log, and it looks like you should have gone to specsavers………..chickens indeed!LympstoneBogtrotters
ParticipantShould we ever fall out with our American landlords, we could produce our own ”Catalogue of Dartrmoor Geocaches” which could be sold (not for profit I add!!!) out the back of a shack at The Cherrybrook 🙂
ParticipantI too would like to welcome finderman to our homely Forum, but feel compelled to fight the corner of ”thinly- veiled-cacher-with-10,000-finds-and-500-TB-Discoveries”. There could be many and varied reasons why said mentioned cacher, who’s identity I HAVEN’T bothered to find out, didn’t retrieve your son’s TB…………
But to accuse a cacher of a DNF on the basis of a non-descript log and not retrieving a TB is just not the way to win friends and influence people is it?
Recently, while trying to track down a missing TB, I visited one of my caches to double check on some log entries. The same week the TB went walk-about from my cache, a caching team had posted a found it log on-line but there was no evidence whatsoever of a written log in the cache itself. Upon contacting them for clarification they pointed out that they don’t generally sign the logbooks; for them the pleasure is in LOCATING the actual cache. They provided me with a detailed description of the cache location and container, and offered to send photographic proof of their visit, which of course I declined as it was by then patently obvious that they had indeed visited my cache. Never did get to the bottom of what happened to the TB though………………..
Right! I’m off to visit Finderman’s TB’s to see how the’re doingLympstoneBogtrotters
Hot off the ”geo-rumour-and-speculation-buzz-alerter” is news that well known local cacher bishopflyer has taken another tumble and sprained her ankle while out caching with KY Devas yesterday.
Unlike previous incidents, which have all involved mud, steep banks, ice etc., this one (apparently) involved a flat, straight, tarmac road………………………
I quite regularly shoot (usually newbies admittedly) cachers emails via informing them of correct caching etiquette – have even made some long standing caching friendships this way. If you dont fancy getting embroilled in a slanging match or worse, you can always get your local friendly reviewer to take the case up on EVERYONES behalf….
DNF’s are hugely important on lots of levels, not forgetting that our very own Hobo and Miss have a challenge on Dartmoor that is only findable after NOT finding 100 caches!!!!LympstoneBogtrotters
ParticipantOn a POSITIVE note, this thread already has three contributors and following on from dartymoor starting a list of all things Dartmoor ‘n’ POSITIVE dont forget that we also have a CACHING BARD who keeps us entertained and amused with poems, Limmericks and so on ………………
ParticipantEnjoyed reading your blog Dave – Thanks! Great maps and photos too.
ParticipantWell done Simon! Onwards to the next thousand………………………
ParticipantHats off to Simon & Yvonne for adopting some of Jerry’s caches…………………
Kinda reminds me of one of Dave’s mantra’s from when he first set up this here site – ”Shouldn’t it be EVERYONES responsibilty to maintain geocaches on Dartmoor?”
ParticipantFurther to Dave’s recent posts re the returning Google maps / OS Maps:
It IS possible to ACCESS OS MAPS
Click on the pane on the LHS of your map page
Locate ”MAP PREFERENCES” at the bottom of this pane and click
Then you will have the OPTION to choose from either the (new) Google Maps or Leaflet
Upon choosing Leaflet, your OS Maps will then magically re-appear where they were in the first place as tiles in the top RH Corner of your map along with the (IMHO) vastly superior Bing Aerial Maps.
Dave has just informed me that he is having trouble accessing the OS Maps using this method, but it’s working fine for me……………………..would be interested to know how other users have found it?LympstoneBogtrotters
ParticipantMany thanks to Dave for all the hard work, effort and time he has invested in this new LOA with the DNPA which we will ALL benifit from whether it be finding or hiding caches on Dartmoor
Bravo Zulu………………………. Dartmoor Dave take a bowLympstoneBogtrotters
ParticipantI cannot believe no one has said it yet, so here goes:
It’s in between T and V
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂LympstoneBogtrotters
ParticipantTim Hampson (keehotee) was the cacher who was instrumental in setting up the Landowner Agreement between the DNPA and the GAGB. I have informed Tim of these new developements and asked him to contact you Dave.
I think it’s important that the GAGB is kept in the loop, after all, they are the recognised caching association that will need to draw up a new agreement, so if you dont hear from Tim, perhaps try Richard Mollins (Dr Dick& Vic) who is the Treasurer of the GAGB and spends part of his year in the Westcountry, so has personal links.
Since working on this agreement I happen to know that keehotee has moved away from Devon, so this may be an ideal oportunity for someone else to step into the breech and work within the GAGB representing the interests of cachers in Devon & Cornwall when it comes to complex issues such as Landowner Agreements? I can think of at least three suitable candidates (Dave, Matt & John [Westwoods2]) who would be perfect for the job!! As far as I’m aware, one doesn’t need any special qualifications or training to work on these Agreements, more a passion for representing the interests of cachers and caching in this beautiful place we call home 🙂
I hope this turns out to be nothing more than a storm in a tea-cup, and that a sensible dialogue and clarification will lead to a subsequaint new agreement.
ParticipantI too have now downloaded Firefox and the greasemonkey script and find it works fine! Just great to have the Google maps back, and having access to the OS Maps with cache location layering is a real bonus! Thanks TC 🙂
ParticipantThere is of course a fourth DNF type.
The ”My caching ego wont allow me to log a DNF” DNF 🙂LympstoneBogtrotters
Participant******** MEGA CHALLENGE BACK LIVE ********
After a huge amount of effort on Dave’s behalf, as of this evening both the Minor & now Mega Challenges are BOTH back up and running. There were 6 squares that were missing caches, and Dave has placed 5 himself, with a massive thank you to Dartymoor for setting the 6th on the Eastern edge of the grid.
Fantastic! (Dave – take the rest of the day off!)Some of you may have already noticed that individual square Bookmarks have started to appear on the RHS of the Minor cache page – these will become more comprehensive over the coming weeks!
Just got rid of the Taxman for another 12 months – now back to the IMPORTANT STUFF!!
Am about to start collating info for the Challenges, starting with the Minor, and will report back here ASAP with the resultsLympstoneBogtrotters
ParticipantAnd while I’m here, I’d like Hobo to either edit / retract thread entry #692 re the childish snide comment about Team Wenglish.
Those of us who are fortunate to class Alan & Liz as friends quite regularly mock them for their lack of activity in the hides column!
Didn’t read much humour into your comments Stephen,
If it’s not SORTED SOONEST, I’ll drive down to Pastyland (apologies to g0akh & The Defective Detectives) and take the spark plugs out yer tractor!!!!!LympstoneBogtrotters
ParticipantHello everyone!
I thought I’d better get myself ”clued up” on the technical & Legal side of things before I posted here, so I contacted my Solicitor – the highly recommended Messers Worzel & Gummage, who informed me he was in a bad mood because Aunt Sally had run out of Carrot Cake………….and hung up! Charming!
Un-deterred, I made my way tentitively to the Challenge Cache section of the Help Centre and read up all there was to read about the rules and regulations of Challenge Caches.
Most fascinating.
I now know where the ”rules” end AND where the ”Points to Consider” start. To be absolutely clear here, ”Points to Consider” (PtC) are NOT RULES but the majority of them (ten in total) end with the suffix: ”will likely result in the cache not being published” so they carry a pretty hefty reviewer threat none-the-less!!
To be honest, most of them are irrelevant to this thread so I wont bore you, the ONE PtC that has been used in ref to the complaint to Groundspeak is number 5 which reads (in full) thus:5. Challenge Caches may not require the publication of a new cache as a logging requirement. Challenges must be achievable by those who do not own caches
This ‘incriminating’ PtC when presented with the main arguement of Para 3 of the ”Rules” makes for a pretty compelling case for the ‘prosecution’ and makes publishing both these caches probably illegal, and certainly against the Rules & Regulations as provided for the guidance of (Volunteer) Reviewers.
I hereby find DartmoorDave & errrrrrrrrrrrr…………..myself (!) GUILTY of un-mentionable crimes against Groundspeak and ask that sentencing is delayed while psychiatric assessment is carried out on us!
In the meantime, may I suggest a ROUSING chorus of ”For he’s a Jolly Good Fellow” for the Prosecution …………………..LympstoneBogtrotters
ParticipantLove favourite points; but refuse to use the American spelling!!!!
Tend to let them accumilate, and feel a little naked if I dont have a stash of at least 5 in the cupboard!
You never know when you are going to find half-a-dozen great caches back to back which all deserve a favourite.LympstoneBogtrotters
ParticipantRegistered earlier this evening and I’m still here ……….
Good work DD
I’m in -