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  • in reply to: More Caches Needing Adoption! #1371
    Avatar photoStationMaster

    Stalker no chance of that DD.

    in reply to: More Caches Needing Adoption! #1368
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    “common sense”  thats what a lot of people lack.

    Dartmoor Dave go caught tresspassing the other day again!

    in reply to: Caches in walls #1355
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    These sort of threads (topics) really annoy me, if we moan on this sort of website so that the world can see,   landowners can see that people have been placing caches where they should not, they WILL NOT let us place caches on their land.  So take Hobo’s advive, I quote “What we need to do is not just record the fault in the log but to place “needs maintenance” or even “needs archiving” notes on the cache.  This will eventually alert the reviewer who can then insist on corrective action being taken.

    ie Don’t bleet but make a proper noise!”




    in reply to: Puzzle GC3JHK6 This one is under a rock #1306
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    I will do nearly anything for Jail Ale even visit DD

    in reply to: Puzzle GC3JHK6 This one is under a rock #1303
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    DD will be seeing me it looks like a fun cache to do.

    Look forward to my pint. Jail Ale for me!

    Hello FMC not seen u for a while. Well not since u ran off.

    in reply to: Puzzle GC3JHK6 This one is under a rock #1301
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    DD will not be seeing me then.

    in reply to: Puzzle GC3JHK6 This one is under a rock #1295
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    Dave invite me round for coffee and u may get a hint.

    in reply to: Déjà Vu Caches #1290
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    DD said “I am also questioning why a cache is archived today and a new one placed tomorrow in the same location by the same CO”

    I do sort of aggree with DD with this but if people get pleasure in doing this let them, there’s no problem really.

    If you do not aggree with the above do not go for it the second time.

    in reply to: Déjà Vu Caches #1288
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    enlighten me on the caches I have put in the same place except my home one and one at Denham bridge.

    I renamed a cache last week from Prawley moor to Boundary of Dartmoor one, so I do not think the case applies that we want to get nimbers up.

    Also at Hartor I replaced a cache in a very similar location to another that someone else archived. I replaced it because its a great place to visit.

    My opinion on this subject is that if cachers want to put caches in the same place, there’s or otherwise can do, we all play this game in different ways. If you disaggree with people doing this DO NOT go for that cache. EASY!

    in reply to: "It’s All About the Numbers" – but is it? #1271
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    Why would you write “Don’t tell me you and StationMaster are really the same person”

    in reply to: "It’s All About the Numbers" – but is it? #1269
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    I could not handle to names on here I have a life away from the computer and caching.

    in reply to: "It’s All About the Numbers" – but is it? #1254
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    It was about numbers when I first started, but once I hit 1000 it did not matter so much, in fact when I did not go for numbers my finds went up.
    Like last night we went for one (we did get three) But that one cache gave up more fun than when we went to get 50.
    I do think we all do caching for different reasons.

    And why do people need credit for hiding caches. We all hide and find caches for fun. I think in most logs we all give each other credit for hiding a cache by saying T4TC. (But a lot of people do not like Gorse bushes LOL)

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by Avatar photoStationMaster.
    in reply to: Are Challenge Caches Dead? #1199
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    Alphabet Puzzle Challenge is a load of normal caches and some multi’s I believe, and they are done as they should be and are very good. Muddypuddles do not put out a standard cache that you have to do other things first. (but correct me if I am wrong)

    in reply to: Are Challenge Caches Dead? #1197
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    Normal caches are there to be found by anyone! If you want to set a challenge, set one under the “challenge side of Groundspeak ”
    Why would anyone want to look through there finds to find out if they are allowed to find a standard cache.

    There is nothing to prove when setting caches, its not about being the best of anything, its about having fun.

    remember most people cache for fun.

    in reply to: Should We Log a Find on a Puzzle We Haven't Solved? #1176
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    From now on if I get any help from Muddypuddles or Miss I will make sure I will say if I have worked it out or had help. Good job Miss looks at all e-mails because I think (I stress I think) Hobo got a different point of view on this one.
    But with Dartmoor Daves I think we should not say if we had help or not he may get upset. Dave I still like you. If we were all the same it would be a boring life.

    in reply to: Should We Log a Find on a Puzzle We Haven't Solved? #1166
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    Must admit it does feel better to solve the puzzle yourself, but I am a chap who loves to walk to a cache, (walking is why I geocache). There are several caches I have had help on, some a lot of help. I have found some puzzle final locations are the best locations to walk to, this is why I get as many puzzles signed. In my eyes its not cheating if your aim is just to get out there and sign the cache. I would be more than willing to sign the log saying I had a lot of help with the puzzle, but some cache owners would delete your log. I still think so long as you have signed the log your are entitled to the find.
    I did like the e-mail I had from Dartmoor Dave all he did in is e-mail was to say his view point without getting nasty, but he does have very strong views on puzzles. I think myself and Dave will have to aggree to disaggree, so long as we stay friends.

    We have to remember we can all wind people up (me included).
    You all know I cheat (so some people say) with puzzles (so do most of cachers).

    I do hope all the above makes sense and not to much of a puzzle.

    in reply to: Damage to Cache sites #1165
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    If anyone who loses their temper in finding a cache they should give up.

    in reply to: Damage to Cache sites #1163
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    Had a mate e-mail today who is not a member on here and here it is.

    Hi Mark, just read DD’s forum, I don’t recognise the site, don’t think I have been to that one. My first thoughts were:

    Why put the cache in Vegetation where it can get damaged?

    Did Hobo get permission? – it looks like a newtake.

    And most importantly is the farmers fence OK looks like it is leaning to me, is hobo going to repair it with a post thumper?

    As for the gorse bush, for goodness sake it is only a gorse bush, who cares.

    Seems to me it is a badly placed cache, which probably shouldn’t be there anyway.
    end of e-mail.

    I will nip up to the cache site and have a look now I know where it is and I will post my views on subject later.

    in reply to: Should We Log a Find on a Puzzle We Haven't Solved? #1162
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    I say in my way I play the game and its only a game, so long as you sign the log yourself thats all that matters.

    in reply to: Damage to Cache sites #1157
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    the two DNF was myself and someone i was with, so you are obviously pointing your finger at us, before pointing your finger at people in a local site that everyone can see get the facts correct first please. Enough said and end of story.

    in reply to: GC3FM5E Coffin Stone + Terrain Ratings #1145
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    Yesterday I only said that Dave’s were over-rated because he said mine was. Yes I did copy and paste my logs, because all the caches I found were just under a rock and some were in clear view, but I enjoyed them all. All Daves caches I have enjoyed so far.
    I think most of what we say on here is just a bit of good humoured banter, but I must say thankyou for the comments you said about coffin stone.

    But I am going to say something that I am against, and that is anyone who cycles on open moor off paths for obvious reasons.

    in reply to: GC3FM5E Coffin Stone + Terrain Ratings #1140
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    Did a Dartmoor Daves caches today, Terrain ratings to high. But thanks Dave for setting them I enjoyed the walk. Terrain does not really matter, is only a guide. I always use the GS guide.

    in reply to: Dartmoor Myths & Legends #1063
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    wish I had!
    It was great up on Dartmoor, only walked 5 miles but it was warm, no wind and clear, what else would we want. Nearly forgot got four caches along the way as a bonus.

    in reply to: Dartmoor Myths & Legends #1061
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    Somewhere on Dartmoor safely back on Dartmoor.

    in reply to: Dartmoor Myths & Legends #1059
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    Not hook line and sinker just stating what you are against. But its only a game and I love it. But I must say Dave thanks for adopting them, and seeing you have not been there yet I will let you claim as a find. I have a somewhere on Dartmoor Travel bug that I will be taking to Scotland to a very remote place.

    in reply to: Dartmoor Myths & Legends #1053
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    If you have adopted these caches you cannot log them, I remember you saying to me that you must NOT log your own caches. You adopt them they are them yours.

    in reply to: IMPORTANT: Changes to SSSI Rules #1030
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    I have just be refused to place a cache after having permission by landowner. I had a great mystery cache set in a place where no-one could cause damage unless they took a digger down. Yes it was on a SSSI but someone else got a cache next to a wall in the same area. Think I will give Dartmoor a miss for placeing caches, I just go and find them.

    in reply to: GC3FM5E Coffin Stone + Terrain Ratings #1015
    Avatar photoStationMaster

    what number is Albert Einstein, I will have to have a go. Hope its a Dartmoor cache.

    in reply to: GC3FM5E Coffin Stone + Terrain Ratings #1013
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    well the terrain rating is staying how it is, I think Hobo would moan whatever it was. Most caches around are to high, but we all have our own ideas. The other log will be deleted because they do not exist. If everyone made little friends up on the geo-cache site on April fool the site would just crash. And it also messes up the true number of caches there are in the world.

    It is called a coffin stone because the is enough room to place a coffin there, and the rock is large enough to cover it.

    Why are forums a place where people just moan.

    in reply to: April Fool. #1010
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    “I think “Was my Coffin stone Cache the first you ever found, if it was very well done! Were you the First To Find it?” is proof that we did get you!”

    in reply to: April Fool. #1008
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    Yes Coffin Stone was found by a Wizard by magic. I e-mailed them because I thought it would of been very clever if a new member who joined today to find it for there first cache. AND NOBODYS FOUND IT YET. But Hobo you didn’t get me, but you nearly did.

    in reply to: GC3FM5E Coffin Stone + Terrain Ratings #1000
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    GC3FM5E Coffin Stone still not found.

    in reply to: GC3FM5E Coffin Stone + Terrain Ratings #990
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    off to find Satins pit, the terrain should really be tuff according to the rating. I am ready for swimming, diving, climbing and a long hike, I hope I get one of these. But what I have seen I will just have to wade into a old mine.

    in reply to: GC3FM5E Coffin Stone + Terrain Ratings #989
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    You should be seeing my name on more logs on Dartmoor Dave, for 4-5 years I have only been able to get out into the moor for a mile due to health problems. But a couple of days ago I was out into the moor a little further.
    back in 98-99 I remember my best walk to Cut Hill and FurTor. So I hope to be out there soon again.

    in reply to: GC3FM5E Coffin Stone + Terrain Ratings #985
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    but nowhere on Dartmoor is worth a 5 Terrain, sand us Dartmoor lovers love getting on Dartmoor and do not like puzzles. Who want to sit at home doing puzzles when you could be out on Dartmoor unless its raining.

    in reply to: GC3FM5E Coffin Stone + Terrain Ratings #983
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    nowhere on Dartmoor is worth a terrain of 5 unless at a bottom of a lake or underneath a viaduct.
    But we all have our own views, thats what makes life worth living we are all different.

    in reply to: GC3FM5E Coffin Stone + Terrain Ratings #980
    Avatar photoStationMaster

    What number is Satan’s Pit please?

    in reply to: GC3FM5E Coffin Stone + Terrain Ratings #976
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    Dave I aggree with most of what you have said, but before you can pass any comment on Coffin Stone you should go off and find it if you are able to get to it, you should do.

    in reply to: where is Alphabet Challenge U #964
    Avatar photoStationMaster

    Thanks Miss

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by Avatar photoStationMaster.
    in reply to: Should We Log Our Own Caches! #957
    Avatar photoStationMaster

    we must keep on eye on where Hobo and Miss place there cat litter, cans, fag packets, a condoms and plenty more LOL
    But joking aside, the rubbish there was not pleasent and it is reported by at least three people.
    And Hobo and Miss thankyou for replacing the cache so I can go out and claim my find.

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