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ParticipantI have a Garmin Oregon 400T.
maps – i only use the basic map, no OS, no streetmap etc but I know you can buy both. I have cached abroad using these basic maps as well and I get on very well with them
I bought mine 2nd hand and overall, it’s been amazing. Even to the point when I dropped it down a beach cliff. It landed in a rockpool, SD card and back cover floating. Everything else fully submerged. Still worked when I put it back together! 🙂
To be fair, it wouldn’t connect to my computer for a few weeks but just as i thought i was gong to have buy a new one, it must have dried out and it went back to being good old reliable Gary. Great bit of kit! 😆 😆
ParticipantMany thanks for your replies. I’ve looked into all and the simplest way seems to be the bookmark list / PQ. This will make a huge difference when I’m trying to sort out those fab series’s which I’m really looking forward to getting stuck into 😛
ParticipantThanks for the clarification on Dubbin 😳 never heard of it. Will definitely get some.
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
They have arrived 😀 😀 😀 😀 And they are Lush 😀 😀 😀 And I love them 😀 😀 😀Was feeling just a smidge overwhelmed so lots of thank you’s for all your great replies
ParticipantBTW, Dartymoor, sorry to hear about your toe – done that myself and not a load of fun 😐
Participant😆 @ TC. If I ever get myself to an event I will wear them for you to admire 😉
Not sure if I’ll be doing much stalking, but I’m sure they should add caching to their “This boot is great for…” section.
Jaughan – I take it dubbinned means waxed / waterproofed?
ParticipantOK, I have now found THE boots!! Lowa Hunter GTX Extreme Boots. Nowhere does a 5.5 and the 6 are a bit big. But I love them. And I am a girl who loves boots. Does anyone wear insoles in their walking boots, or is that just weird?!
ParticipantAll the replies are fab 😆 thank you!
I had a surprise cheque in the post this morning, so I’ve just come back from trying on Lowa’s at RVOps. Great boots. 😥 my feet are too small. Gonna see if anywhere else does smaller sizes
ParticipantThanks for all your replies 😛
I love the Lowa and had a good nosey around the RVops website, but are a bit too pricey for me 🙁Good to know about the Scarpa – they look like my boot of choice at the moment, along with Saloman’s. That link from DD was very helpful, I love websites where you can post reviews ❗
To Finderman – I can’t speak for other’s but the Hunters are shaped around the ankle, more like a boot than a straight up and down welly, so no chance of it being pulled off. Altho my mum’s (? about make) are really comfortable but an absolute bugger to get off! Always need a person to pull and even then it’s like the Enormous Turnip 😈 No chance of that one coming off…..
ParticipantThanks Dave, that’s very useful 😛
I have the Hunter neoprene wellies and I love them – but couldn’t wait to get them off after 6 hours on the moor the other day.Scarpa have a good sale at the moment as do Peter Storm, and I do prefer the leather ones, so will have a go try on I think. I’m really not sure about the other type. I’m not really a brand person but I’ve learnt the hard way with this type of stuff, so it’s good to know other people’s experiences when they’re so expensive!
ParticipantThat’s really informative. Looking forward to caching abroad for the first time and releasing my new TB! Thanks very much 🙂
ParticipantGot an email back from Andy at Base of Tree –
‘You may be interested to know that in August we’ll be producing a range of localised products like stash cads, keyrings etc, mainly counties but there will also be something Dartmoor based. Should be available second half of month.’
Just thought you might like to know. Can also confirm excellent service and quick delivery, so thanks for the referral 🙂Vodkashots
ParticipantThanks Dave, order complete – plus where i got the referral from 😉
ParticipantHUGE THANKS to GH for the advice and the email. So chuffed to know how kind people are – it’s going to make a massive difference to us 🙂 🙂 🙂
ParticipantThanks for your replies. Hi Golden Haystack, I’ve just looked at the Garmin and I have Normal, WEES/EGNOS and Demo. I guess I use Normal but I really don’t know. I don’t even know what the other one is! Can I download software for WGS84, or is it a case of my Garmin just doesn’t have it?
I met Windrush the other day and we both entered the same co-ordinates in the same way, and mine was confirmed 100m out, so I might just have a tempremental one! I have a Garmin 400t if anyone else has one…..
ParticipantHave given up! Just submitted a traditional with some (very brief) history encouraging people to explore the area and included a web link instead. Think I wanted too much from myself on my first ever published cache….. will think up a great one and take my time over it
ParticipantI like the idea behind multi-caches – the only reason I don’t like them is that my GPS will not allow me to accurately enter co-ordinates in the field – they are ALWAYS 100m out which is so frustrating. It likes GPX files tho 🙂
Thanks for your advice – don’t watch too closely in case it’s a shambles 😉
ParticipantThanks Dave
I actually did want to do an Earth cache because the place is steeped in history and I thought it would be nice for cachers to explore that, however an Earth Cache needs to be specifically about geology not about history. The basis of what I want to do is to share the history of the area with finders, so it looks like I might have to do a multi-cache (of which I am not a fan and wanted to stay away from). Thanks for the tips about the pictures too. I might have found over 1000 now, but I’ve never actually hidden one (I have adopted 3), so am definitely a newbie in this area. I also know how annoying it is when co-ordinates don’t match up with the actual location, so I’m pretty nervous about the whole thing!
ParticipantThank you both for your replies. The discount thing got me thinking (Garmin not on the phone over the weekend and I am impatient!) and looking into other avenues as well and i’ve just ordered a new Oregon with a 20% discount from Cotswold Outdoors because I’m a scout leader, so thanks for the tip!
ParticipantTeam VS has 4 geokids under 12 in it. They love swaps and for them it’s all part of the fun. Unfortunately, most caches with swaps usually have very dodgy ones! Rusty bits and pieces, sweets, broken things and my 2 most hated to date – a lighter (which i removed even tho I didn’t have the kids with me) and a fish hook. We found a cache this morning with that little delight in, which we discovered when my 6 year old (who had found the cache) opened it, liked the look of the fish and got it stuck in her finger. I was only 2ft away but couldn’t see thru her head into the box! I read down thru the logs when I got home. It seems the cache had a run in with some fisherman in April. It’s had 14 finds since then, many with kids and not one of those finders thought to remove it. I shouldn’t have to scroll thru a dozen + logs to discover that someone knows there’s a fish hook in there, especially when I can honestly say that if I came across it, even without kids, I would have removed it.
You must be logged in to view attached files.Vodkashots
ParticipantThanks for the welcome Dave 🙂
no worries on info…..looking for those pesky letter=number for your puzzle caches, but got A and C so far and am continuing to search!Vodkashots
ParticipantI only came on here for some cache info (not that i can find much!) but i wanted to register so i could comment – I found Nomad’s Retreat yesterday, took TB and signed log (with an actual pen using the log from the actual cache whilst the 3 geohounds waited at the bottom with their leads secured to a sturdy, unspikey gorse branch so they couldn’t terrorize the local livestock) I sprained my ankle a few months ago and it still gives me gip – mostly climbing… basically i am THRILLED that Finderman has not let P&C change her log to a smilie! I read the log just before I logged my find and was totally gobsmacked that she even had the nerve to ask. On all my DNF’s, there has always been loads of time, effort and frustration involved – but i still log them as DNFs!
Cool website BTW 🙂 -