Dartmoor Geocaching – Autumn 2015 Update

Our busy Summer season at The Cherrybrook is drawing to an end which means that I can once again turn my attention to caching Happy 

There’s so much occurring at the moment it’s difficult to know where to start!

Update on the Dartmoor 2015 Geocoin Race

Another great month for the race with coins moving all over the world!  We now have coins in New Zealand, Canada, California, Nepal and at least 5 different European countries.  The vast majority of the coins have moved recently and only a handful seem to be stuck or maybe lost.

Both Christine’s and Kevin & Sue’s coins have gone to New Zealand, but the race leader is now Justine’s coin which has gone to Hawaii and back – amazing. 

Zara’s coin was lost for two and a half months but was then found and is now in Amsterdam.

Latest race positions can be found here

New Dartmoor Geocaching Facebook Group

This web site always had a very active user forum where many topics have been discussed over the years.  However, it is very clear that most now prefer Facebook and the use of the forum has declined severely.  I therefore thought that it was time that we had our own Facebook group which I have now set up.  Please click on the Facebook icon to visit the group.

Please join the group and enter a draw to win a Dartmoor Geocoin

The first 50 cachers to join the group will be entered into a draw to win one of the Limited Edition Dartmoor Geocoins.  A second draw for another coin will be made once we have reached a total of 100 cachers.  Please do join our group today  Happy

Family Friendly Series for Half Term

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I was planning a new family friendly series for half term.  I have now mapped out the route completely and have final locations for over half the caches.  In total there will be 32 caches on a route of 7.5 miles but with a couple of opportunities to shorten this.  There will be several largish caches which hopefully I can fill with swag and many others will be novelty type caches.  None of the caches will be too difficult and my hope is that everyone will have lots of fun with no DNFs Delighted

Over the next few days I should complete the planning and all will be submitted for review (in dribs and drabs Heather has requested).  The plan is to have these available for Wednesday 28th October.  I am not certain what would be the best time to have these published and are very happy to receive your views on this?

For now I will tell you that the route will take in Bellever Tor and much of Bellever Forest, but I am not given any other clues as to the route.  However, I will publish a map of the route on this web site before publication of the caches to allow you to plan your day and parking etc.

2016 New Year Cream Tea Event

The event listing for our Annual New Year Cream Tea Event has now been published, but it doesn’t tell you very much!  As you will all be aware, there are restrictions on what can be placed in an event listing, so it is left to Facebook and this web site to fill in the missing details.  It will be of a very similar format to last year where Judy and I donated the Cream Teas and ALL proceeds from the event went to the Devon Air Ambulance Trust.  However, this year we will be also be raising funds for the Devon Mega.  At the moment I would see a raffle for the DAAT and an auction for the Devon Mega, which will also get a third of charge we are making for the cream teas.  Last year we raised a total of £337 for the DAAT, can I suggest that we target £500 this year  Approve 

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Author: Dartmoor Dave


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