The 2016 Limited Edition Dartmoor Geocoins Have Arrived

2016-Coin-WebI am very pleased to announce that the 2016 Dartmoor Geocoins have arrived and as in previous years, they are stunning!  I shall now be starting to ask for payment – details below.

As always the coins are very difficult to photograph – use normal room lighting and you get shadows from the camera, use a flash and the light reflects.  This is my best effort so far, but I shall try again with natural light tomorrow.

I shall be working my way through the orders in the order I received them and sending out PayPal requests.  I will require an email address, so if you know I don’t have yours please send it to me using an email to [email protected].  If you have bought one previously or have signed up to this web site, I will have it already.

If you have only ordered one coin but would like an additional coin to enter the 2016 Dartmoor Geocoin Race, I can provide one for only an additional £9 – but it MUST be entered in the race, when that is announced.

If you haven’t already ordered a coin, they cost £15 for one, £28 for two or £24 for two if one of them is going to enter the race.  These prices include £2 p&p.

As promised £100 will be donated to the Devon Mega Fund, plus an additional £10 for 3 orders placed with the Black Friday offer  Pleasure

If you have any questions please leave a reply below or reply on the Dartmoor Geocaching facebook page: Dartmoor Geocaching

Many, many thanks to all who have supported the Dartmoor Geocoins this year.

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Author: Dartmoor Dave


12 thoughts on “The 2016 Limited Edition Dartmoor Geocoins Have Arrived”

    1. Hi Chris,
      You are very lucky I spotted this here – you’ve posted it under the 2106 geocoins page! I will send you a PayPal request.
      Many thanks, Dave.

  1. Hi
    I have just discovered your web page, and was wondering whether you have any of the 3 geocoins left that was advertised on black friday as I would love to buy a set. I have letterboxed on dartmoor for years and would love to support the mega.
    many thanks

    1. Hi Marnee,
      Yes, we have all of the coins left but the Black Friday offer was for that weekend only. It would be unfair for me to repeat it for you now as the coins have reverted to their normal price of £15 each or £41 for all 3, all prices include 1st class p&p. Please do let me know if you would like them.
      Many thanks

  2. Hi Dave, have just joined your group and wondered if you have any of the 2016 Limited Edition Dartmoor Geocoins left. If you have could I buy 1 please, thanks, Bryn

    1. Hi Bryn,
      Yes, these are still available. I will send you a PayPal request to the email address you have registered on this site.
      Many thanks,

  3. Hi Dave. Hope that you are well. I put my name down for a coin some time ago.Not heard anything or received a paypal request. Please let me know if I need to do anything. Regards Steve

    1. Hi Steve, I did send you a PayPal requerst a couple of weeks ago and followed it up with a couple of reminders. However, now I have had another look at the request I sent, I added an extra character into the email address 😡 ! Normally an email would get bounced back – and it probably did, but to PayPal and not to me. So sorry, I will send it again.
      Many thanks, Dave.

      1. Hi Steve, Checking again I see that it was not my mistake but yours 😮 ! When you registered with this web-site you mis-typed your email address and I just copied it into the PayPal request. Never mind 🙂 , Dave

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