As already announced on facebook I have now received the 2017 Limited Edition Dartmoor Geocoins and should be able to start sending some out on Monday or Tuesday. Several people have already said that they would like one, but as yet I’ve taken no firm orders. They should make lovely Christmas pressies
Unfortunately, as I also mentioned, there has been a dramatic increase in cost this year as the production costs have gone up by 13% and this together with the huge difference in exchange rate has meant that the total cost has gone up by over 30%! However, the good news is that I will only increase the cost by £1, but if you buy two or more the price will be the same or less than last year.
The costs for all coins (whichever year you want) will be £14 for the first coin but only £12 each for ALL additional coins. The cost for 1st class p&p will be £2 for 1 or 2 coins and £3 for 3 or more coins. 3 or more coins will be sent 1st class signed for.
As in previous years, if you wish to purchase a second coin to be entered in the 2017 race I will offer a £4 discount, so it will cost £10, a total of £24 for both coins, plus £2 p&p. However, as promised, if you entered a coin in the 2016 race AND activated it AND released it, the race coin will be half price, so only £7, a total of £21 for both coins, plus £2 p&p.
If you wish to purchase any of the coins, please let me know using either of the facebook groups or reply to this post at the bottom of the page. I shall be working my way through the orders in the order I receive them and sending out PayPal requests. I will require an email address, so if you know I don’t have yours please send it to me using an email to [email protected] or using a private facebook message. If you have bought one previously or have signed up to this web site, I will have it already.
If you have any questions please leave a reply below or reply on the Dartmoor Geocaching facebook page: Dartmoor Geocaching
Many, many thanks to all who will be purchasing the Dartmoor Geocoins this year.
I posted a request to purchase 2 x2017 geocoins but neglected to ask for payment details to be sent to me on my email. I would use Paypal if that was ok.
Why does moderation take so long?
I’m sorry Brian, I didn’t see a notification for yesterday’s comment. No further moderation is necessary – it’s only for the first comment. Where did you post a request for 2 x 2017 geocoins? You can use paypal, that is not a problem.
Hi Dave
I thought I had added it to your posts, obviously I was mistaken. How do I go about purchasing these 2017 geocoins please? I am new to geocaching, it’s really my wife and daughter who are heavily involved.
Hi, is there any Dartmoor geocoin available for sale?
Yes there are, where are you please?
Please can I order 1 of the 2017 geocoins?
Thank you,
Hi Sarah,
Yes of course, I have sent you a PayPal request.
Many thanks
Hi, can I have 2 please? One for the race and one for my collection. Thanks. Warren.
Will do – many thanks
Hi Dave,
Can I order one as well please? Could you send the payment link to [email protected] though?
Will do – many thanks
🙂 The first 2017 Dartmoor Geocoins should start dropping through doors tomorrow morning. All geocoins for which I have received payment caught this afternoon’s post from Princetown 🙂 If you haven’t yet ordered yours I would be very pleased to hear from you now and I should be able to get them in the post tomorrow. I have now had a chance to look at the international postage rates, so those who live abroad should receive a PayPal request from me tonight and I should also be able to get those out tomorrow as well 🙂
Hi Dave,
Can I put in an order for one of the coins please.
If you need email address for the PP request then let me know.
Ady – The Old Soldier
Many thanks Ady, I have sent you a pp request.
Payment sent,
Please can I have two Geocoins, one for my collection and one for the race. 🙂
Certainly – I will send you a PP Request – Many thanks.
I thought you were going to be searching “Not in a bog” today 😉
Our brains ache, in the merciless iced east winds that knive us . . .
Wearied we keep awake because the night is silent . . .
Low drooping flares confuse our memory of the salient . . .
Worried by silence, sentries whisper, curious, nervous,
But nothing happens. 😯
Hi could I order three 2017 coins one of them I would like to enter in the race
Regards stokes2342 (Andrew Stokes)
PP Request sent – many thanks, Dave
Please can I order one of the 2017 Dartmoor coins please, I did also email you my request.
PP Request sent – many thanks, Dave