Caches at Our Back Door!

How very decent of dartymoor to place a cache at out back door! Well less than a mile from our back door to be accurate.  It’s been on my mind for the last 4 days but we’ve been busy, the weather’s not been great and then there’s the little problem of the West Dart which rather gets in the way.

But today is a glorious day (the best of January so far) so off we set on a delightful walk along the Devonport Leat from Beardown Farm.  Not very dog friendly, this path, but Tigger is getting better at leaping over stiles.  A very easy FTF, our 3rd this year!

It seemed a shame to come out on the moor without giving something back, so we placed a new zoom lens puzzle at Beardown Tor.  I know puzzle caches aren’t very popular, but field puzzles are a bit different and I know a few will come up here for it. Wink

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Author: Dartmoor Dave


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