“Where?” you might ask! Whilst I have been trying to sort out the Dartmoor Challenge caches, muddypuddles has been very busy with his new Dartmoor Forest series and new caches have been springing up all over the moor, some with the strangest of names.

Today I decided it was time to go for some of his more remote caches and also to extend my own Lych Way series further to the west. So I set off from Bagga Tor not realising that this part of the moor had had more snow than other parts and had drifted right over one of the new caches, making it impossible to find. But a really great day to be out on the moor, only 2 caches found, but 3 new ones placed on a trek of over 7 miles.
Dave – you are beginning to look like a snowman! Whoever said Southerners were softies obviously never met you did they?! Talk about commitment beyond the cause, you’re fast becoming a legend!